Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Next Generation Space Tech

It has been some time since my last post, in no small part due to my high school education coming to a close. I plan to get back in the swing of things with my writing though. I will deliver some “more to the point”, scientific, philosophical, and other oddities for your interest, so please stay tuned. Some notable change in my ideology has recently changed. I am atheist now, which means I have looked at all the mythologies added one more. I will not remove my earlier article about the origins of man. It has some truth in it if you look at it in a non-secular way.Anyway I have worked very hard to bring you a fantastic article filled to the brim with the most recent scientific advancements you can expect to see, please enjoy.

This article is about spaceship design and how space travel affects you. It has come to my attention. Many people have completely lost interest, and just devalue space travel. Mostly in America, our political parties are claiming The United States, economic woes as an excuse. Well I would like to point out at the near trillion dollars that the DOD has to make weapons, then look at NASA’s mere 18.7 billion. On the level of countries, especially the united states, you are looking at billions and trillions of dollars instead of what you are probably use to thinking of. The government looks at NASA and tells them to trying and save money, while they are blowing it left and right. Does that make since to you?

NASA spends money of a long period of time. They use every possible resource with optimal efficiency. They are well known for a good track record. Why? They have some of the best minds in the world working there. If something goes wrong at NASA, there is debris everywhere, people die, and billions go down the drain. If the Presidential office goes wrong, they get voted out of office. As our generation matures and begins to take the spots of our parents and grandparents, don’t you want them to have their own 1969?

Rocket propulsion, is different from other methods of acceleration. The entire acceleration system is contained within the vessel. A runner makes use of the ground to accelerate.

“Human’s walking, is a series of controlled falls.”- Unknown Author 

A car uses the road to accelerate creating friction, pushing the wheels against the asphalt. A jet uses the air to accelerate, pulling air through a turbine. A rocket accelerates, entirely by expelling its own mass backwards. A rocket does not need anything to push against or pull on. A sailor throwing cannonballs off the back of a ship is using the same principle. His boat will accelerate forward with each throw.

The most common form of propulsion is called chemical or conventional rocket propulsion. A chemical rocket relies on a highly explosive chemical reaction inside a tube to force fuel mass downward and the rocket up. NASA's Space Shuttle and the Saturn rockets used in the Apollo missions are all entirely chemical systems.

The two most important characteristics of a rocket engine are its thrust and its specific impulse. Thrust is a measure of how much force the rocket can exert. Specific impulse can be thought of as a rocket's "gas mileage". It measures the amount of speed available from a unit mass of propellant. (Like gas) It is related to the speed of the rocket's exhaust.

Chemical rockets are useful for their extremely high thrust. For example, a single engine of the Saturn-V rocket has 6,800,000 Newtons of thrust. Currently, chemical rockets are the only propulsion technology that has been used to reach Earth orbit. However, electric thrusters have much greater specific impulse than conventional rockets, and can therefore propel a spacecraft to much greater speeds using much less propellant mass once the craft has reached Earth orbit. A solution would be to transport materials to space and build there. We are not at that stage quite yet, a moon base would help.

The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (V.A.S.I.M.R.) is a new type of electric thruster with many advantages. In a VASIMR, gas such as argon, xenon, or typically hydrogen is injected into a tube surrounded by a magnet and a series of two radio wave (RF) antennas (called "couplers"). The couplers turn cold gas into superheated plasma and the expanding magnetic field at the end of the rocket (the magnetic nozzle) converts the plasma particles' thermal motion into directed flow for propulsion. With the use of this engine a trip to mars will take three months instead of three years. The engine can propel a craft up to 50,000 m/s (35 MPS). The temperature has presented significant problems. The top recorded heat was said to be about a million degrees Fahrenheit. They had to create a magnetic field to form a heat shield. Much like what the U.S. N.I.F. does with its fusion reaction. VASIMR is said to be capable of not just opening up mars to earth but our entire system.

With Humans making great leaps and strides into space we will need protection from several dangers as we leave the protection of our planet’s atmosphere. Among the most prominent dangers we have radiation. When the Sun flares, it produces x-rays, gamma-rays, and energetic particles. The energetic particles are the worst, but are delayed, so you have some warning that they are coming. This gives you time to get into a 'storm shelter', a well-shielded area that you can live in for a few days until the particles die down. A good place for a storm shelter would be in the center of the ship, surrounded by the water tanks. If you don't have a storm shelter (e.g. if you are out on an E.V.A. moonwalking in just your suit) a bad solar flare can kill you.

However on longer missions the astronauts cannot live within shielded rooms, since such shielding would add significantly to the mass of the spacecraft, making them much more expensive and difficult to launch. It is also now known that the ‘drip-drip’ of even lower levels of radiation can be as dangerous as acute bursts from the sun. How do avoid radiation sickness? International teams of scientists lead by members from the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory have devised a way to create a miniature version of the Earth’s magnetosphere. In order to work, an artificial mini-magnetosphere on a space craft will need to utilize many cutting edge technologies, such as superconductors and the magnetic confinement techniques used in nuclear fusion.

The idea of the British and Portuguese scientists on the project appears to be inspired by Star Trek, a magnetic protection devise that weighs only several hundred kilos and uses approximately a kilowatt of energy. According to Bob Bingham:
“The idea is really like in ‘Star Trek’, when Scottie turns on a shield to protect the starship Enterprise from proton beams – it’s almost identical really.”

Research from the 60s estimated that a magnetic field would have to be hundreds of kilometers (miles) across, which would have made the equipment far too heavy to take into space. The simulation performed by Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, estimates that a bubble of several hundred meters (feet) would suffice, which makes the technology feasible.

After the difficulties of construction, propulsion, and radiation shielding are solved the problem of micrometeorites remains. Micrometeorites are a type of space debris that flies through space faster than a speeding bullet. Thousands of them hit the earth’s atmosphere every day and burn up on re-entry. Micrometeorites bombard the Moon’s surface as well. It is well known fact that they are responsible for the fine powder that cakes the regolith surface of the Moon. If just one hits a spaceship it can cause depressurization or damage the heat shield. Fortunately this has not happened yet. The chances of impact greatly increase on a long trip to say mars.

At the White Sands Test Facility in Las Cruces, New Mexico, NASA has built one of the world’s most powerful guns (pictured right after much trouble finding it). It is about 60 yards long, firing a projectile at a speed of 20,000 mph. A rifle bullet goes about 2,000 mph. It’s target? Spaceships. The gun is intended to test a ship’s hull for impact from micrometeorites. Its bullets are smaller than the end of an eraser. An example shot of one of its test fires though a ship’s hull displayed the awesome power they have to prevent. The round traveling at 16,000 mph ripped through three plates then broke apart and created a shotgun blast in the inner walls. NASA came up with a solution. The shielding ends up being a metal/foam/metal/foam/metal hull that looks like a triple stacked Pb & J sandwich. It wouldn’t seem like it but it does the job. This solution is simple cost effective and easily reproduced method that anyone could make. It works by absorbing the impact of the meteorite.

Being weightless is another plague of space travel. You lose bone density, and muscle mass. The saying use it or lose it comes to mind. Most experts think that working out does not work to stimulate the amount of bone growth you need. Scientist are trying to develop a way to simulate the effects of gravity on the body. Essentially creating our habit in space has proven very difficult task. Some scientists believe that centrifugal force will do the trick. Not an entire spinning spaceship, but just a spinning room. A spinning Space Station has been portrayed in the film “2001 a Space Odyssey.” (pictured below). It is not impossible but simply we are not at that level of space infrastructure.

A technology we need to survive working in space is the pressure suit. Here on earth you do not need one because earth’s atmosphere is pushing down on you with a force of about fifteen pounds, about the weight of the ordinary watermelon. If you were to be sucked out of a space station without a suit you would not explode but you would expand and get to a certain spot and turn into a goo or mush and then vaporize. Your blood, the air in your lungs would boil. You would die very quickly is the good news.

Currently our suits are inflated with oxygen and pressured. If you put a rubberband on your hand and just open and closed your hand about fifteen times you will soon realize what it’s like to work in our current generation of space suits. There is a battle of mobility and pressure that has been there since the 60s. Many experts think we need to have a robust pressure suit before we can even think about going to Mars. Scientist Dava Newman is perhaps the closest to developing our next generation pressure suits. The biggest difficulty is re-inventing it. She wants to ‘shrink wrap’ future astronauts. This ‘compression stocking’ gets the suit 2/3 of the way to the desired pressure. How can she get the rest? Dava looked for inspiration in the animal kingdom. She observed the giraffe eating grass on the Savanna, when they raise their head up to reach the tree about 5 meters they don’t faint. What about a giraffe’s physiology allows it to do this? They have special muscles in their blood vessels that constrict to create pressure. This blocks the blood from escaping out of its head creating an ‘eternal G-suit’ effect.

Dava then came up with the idea of reinforcing the suit with super strong red fibers that intersect up the suit for additional pressure. The hardest part to pressure on a suit is the joints. The complete project will have ‘smart wires’ running up the suit to monitor vital signs. A hard back plate will support the oxygen tanks on the back of the suit. The Helmet itself doesn’t change much; it remains a gas pressurized helmet. The suit makes you consume about 50% less oxygen then its counterpart.
You might think to yourself what can any of this do for me? Well with the Human population hitting seven billion in 2012, mankind will have to find a place to go and many of these things will help us move to space, the logical next step. Radiation protection techniques could also be employed by fusion reactors, nuclear plants, nuclear waste, and even radiation dangers. The moon rover improved many facets of automobiles in the 60’s. The use of robotic exploration could help us in hazardous areas to insure safety.  Space exploration has been known to make unintentional purposes; they might even inspire something new.  The world has many problems and space travel is helping to eliminate many of those year by year. Our astronauts are the explorers of our time just like Columbus of his. There are many things we do not yet know about space. Just like in Christopher Columbus’ time we didn’t know about the world. So be proud and show respect for our space and aeronautics organization. Thanks for reading this week’s article and stay tuned for the next.

"Is space exploration really desirable at a time when so much needs doing on Earth? It is an often-asked and serious question that requires a serious answer. One could present many arguments, from jobs and education to technology development and national security, for undertaking a robust space program. In an ideal world only one argument is necessary, though in the real world some would argue it is not sufficient. That argument is exploration, and that we should undertake it for the most basic of reasons -- our self-preservation as a creative, as opposed to a stagnating, society."  -NASA

Monday, March 28, 2011

Truth vs Happiness pt2 of 2

This is the conclusion of the previous article.
Imagine if you will you are in Greece, during the fall of the Roman Empire in the 4th century. You are a slave. You have not eaten in two days. You work day and night to please your master at your own expense. There is no hope for the future. You are uneducated and your lifespan is typically not going past thirty five years if you’re lucky. You don’t know if the earth is flat, if the earth is the center of the universe. You have no family. They were either sold off, dead, and even worse. You have no explanation of why you are here, let alone the constant threat of death. You stare up at the stars, the clear black skies and yearn for a reason for being.

You are told of Christianity, told you mean something, told there is a place for you after death. You are promised everything. Imagine you are in a world where nothing good happens and finally, something good happens. A man bearing a cross around his neck hands you a loaf of bread. Christianity seems to hold a lot more merit now. You give Jesus and god credit for these good deeds. You feel happier now in this place. You never once question it as just the will of those men. You never think that they get something out of it. So it was that Christianity won the hearts of the peasants that greatly outnumbered the elite and wealthy.
Christians like to point out all the good they do now. When in this time if you were as I am or if you were a pagan the argument was “Oh you don’t agree with me?” Then they kill you. The fact they do not have this power now, this means that one day even they will die out as superstition or as all the other false gods that rule us. I dream that one day man will not be so hubris to think him so special, a day that we rise up from the chains that we do shackle ourselves with.

I like Christopher Hitchens and many others think that some people have this desire to be controlled. To have the burden of choice removed, that there is a desire to have this. You have to completely think this through. A presence that is capable of reading every one of your thoughts, observing your actions, and interfering in your life. Then there is a question of how many of them are there and which is which? Questions like why would a god favor one race, why would he damn woman, homosexuals, and everyone else in this book written not by him but man. Why appear after roughly ninety thousand years. Why abandon everyone during the dark ages. Until you finally get to a point where all the evidence is pointing to there being no god. You hold on to shreds as if you lost them from your hands you would die.

Then a depression sets in as you realize that you have spent years of your life shouting at nothing. Your brain makes the illusion come alive, so the body may survive. You come to terms with the fact that the universe is ultimately vast beyond the measure of our brains. You come to live your life to its fullest. You give up your fear of death, thinking it didn’t bother me the fourteen billion years I was dead why would it bother me after? You figure out that matter can be made from nothing. You observe that science can explain these things much better than this first attempt. With all this in mind you are one of the many who have freed their mind. For man has fought a long time for this one idea.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Truth vs Happiness pt1(of2)

Hey everyone this article will be a little off the standard I seem to be using and talk about a clash all of us have to deal with in our life. I am talking about the clash between Happiness and Truth.

Throughout my life I have been highly skeptical of everything I am told that tends to be in any way superstition, such as religion, luck, and now karma. I was born in the politically far right Alabama. I have had to struggle to develop my own opinion of things. For instance you could say I was a closet case liberal atheist for nineteen years. (I am nineteen now.) Until a few months ago I had no real name to give my opinions no label. Before then, I would have classified myself as an agnostic republican. This was before when I couldn’t really verbalize my political beliefs. Now it seems everyone is born an atheist, raised Christian, then born again atheist.
I like to ask friends what it is exactly they believe in and the more educated the more inquisitive the individual the harder it is for them to conform to the natural or what use to be natural ideologies. I doubt I could walk into an American senior classroom today and ask is anyone one hundred percent certain there is a god, he’s the Christian one and not Thor, Allah, or Zeus, and you are republican. It seemed more like what is everyone else, where is the group at. I don’t want to be left out from the norm. They never took the issues and said “Well I think that there is nothing wrong with stem cell research” and realize they aren’t republican. They never look at the stories in the bible or the sheer number of religions and develop the opinion well “I cannot prove there is no god but I would say the probability is between zero and one.” So it seems more like in the absence of an opinion it is easier to just go with the group or family.
You should do this, take the list of issues. Pick out which stance you agree with. Tally it all up with Republican on the right and liberal on the left and moderate the middle and see which one has the most issues and that tends to be what you really are. You would be shocked or I should say you might be shocked, of what you really are. Not to mention the question is there a god? You should really research this. Watch Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennet, and Sam Harris. Then watch and read some of the mythologies of the other cultures and decide for yourself with a non-bias approach what you really are. I was literally shocked at myself what I really am.
One thing you should know is that when you are choosing between well should I just settle for the “Ignorance is bliss” and be happy where I am, or should I really just push for the truth. Should you reach deep into the depths of your personality to bring up what makes you who you are. When I discovered the size of the universe, how insignificant I was, at first of course I was sad. Then I finally was happy with that. I say this thinking of the Christian argument that well look how depressing non religion is. Most respond that we don’t use that in our decisions which one I am happy with.
If you don’t believe me, that the less questions people ask the more they just conform to the group there in, just look at the people around you ask them what they are and decide for yourself. I would actually prefer you to question everything I say.

I realize this week’s article is only a page. That’s because I am doing a two part of this, expect another one on Wednesday. I am going to be gone all weekend visiting a college.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Abyss

This week’s article I will be focusing on black holes. It is the first day of spring and I felt like doing a fun one. 

“I admire our ancestors, whoever they were. I think the first self-conscious person must have shaken in his boots. Because as he becomes self-conscious, he's no longer part of nature. He sees himself against nature. He looks at the vastness of the universe and it looks hostile.” -John Shelby Spong

Many of you know what you are taught in schools when a star dies it either causes a super nova or some stars become so dense that they form what is known as a black hole. Sucking in everything and not even light can escape them. You are going to learn a whole lot more than that if you keep reading. 

Actually our galaxy the Milky Way has a super massive black hole at the center of it. Black holes form when a star that started off around 20 times bigger than our sun, has reached the end of its life. The star begins to form iron in its core. At this point a star has little time left. In matter of seconds, gravity starts to crash down on the now red giant. It either collapses into a super dense black hole or flings out all of its mass into an explosion known as a super nova.

We think that most galaxies have a black hole in the center and they are prevalent though out the universe. Some shoot out big streams of energy, some sling shot mass out from it.  They are like the packman of space they have to constantly gobble up mass if they do not they explode horrifically.

Super massive black holes in some theories have been given credit for heating up the early universe so that stars could form. All black holes like almost everything in space emit radiation so I wouldn’t plan on shooting off to one in a ship any time soon. There are some who even theorize that black holes don’t even let time escape them.

Another question many people ask is what is in a black hole? Well basically you have to imagine a fabric that you keep piling up things onto like gas and dust, eventually it gets so heavy that gravity causes it to form into a super dense point that typically explodes but if it has enough mass to hold without blowing up it becomes a black hole. As you know large objects in space attract things like moons, gas, and asteroids. A black hole is no different.

In terms of size, black holes are biblical. The smallest known black hole is about 15 miles in diameter and 3.8 times the mass of our sun. The biggest known black hole is m87(pictured right) a monster capable of gobbling up our entire galaxy. Containing 6.6 billion times the mass of our sun, which is 1.98892 × 1030 kilograms. It is thought to lie about 50 million light years away thankfully. 1 light year is almost 6 trillion miles over the course of one earth year. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about this weeks topic. If you have any suggestions you know where to reach me.


Monday, March 14, 2011


Life thrives almost everywhere on the planet. In this article, I will explore and describe the various forms of life, its definition, and if you could expect to find it on other planets.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
-Albert Einstein

Great words, from a great man. Most of the modern marvels we have today, you have nature to thank for. If it wasn’t from nature, then it was inspired by nature. Scientist have observed nature and all its feats and so far only tried to imitate it. One day we will learn how to surpass and even create it. Until that day comes we should preserve nature, and study it for the benefit of all.

The journey for life, has taken scientist to many unexpected places. Such as the Dead Sea, this was once thought to be “dead” due to the high salinity. Recently microbial life was found at its depth’s. The Dead Sea has no plant or animal life, because of the high volume of salt and minerals. It has become a shining example of how resilient life can be.

We have even found life in a poison to us, arsenic. When searching for life on other worlds, we used examples such as this to make a template for life. Predators will have eyes on the front of their head; herbivores tend to have them on the side to see predators coming. Arms and legs are a must for land based creatures, legs are useless for amphibians. Complex life has been known to exist in up to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and with low temperatures the less complex the creature tends to be. Pressure never seems to be an issue; we have found life 7 miles under the ocean in a place called the Challenger Deep.

Once we have collected all these rules to go by, we first look at the right star; the planet has to be in the goldilocks zone and all that is in place. The trouble with the goldilocks zone is that it moves from star type to star type based on a number of variables. Then we go there with robots to find out if were right. The hope is to finally once and for all solve the question of are we the only one of our kind. A lot of things have been made up, or even wild guesses thrown out in an attempt to answer this one question.  To some it may seem pointless, or a waste of money. To others we see the profit in knowledge in solving our own existence and even advancing our technology for the common man.

Some places we think there might be life or they was once life include but are not limited to, Mars(so many links to pick from), Titan, Europa, Gliese 581c, and various other locations. The fabled Alpha Centari though is likely to be a bone dry system due to no gas giant to cast comet’s to the inner solar system.

As for how we ended up on our rocky planet, we may never know. Thanks for reading
-Adam Boozer

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Clean Energy

“We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us.” - Jimmy Carter

In this week’s article I’ll be talking about clean, efficient, and cheaper forms of energy.
  Right now in the United States we buy most of our oil from the Middle East. The area itself is a dry dessert that was once a paradise, the decayed plant life developed into oil. These are a people who are almost in a constant state of war, very poor where electricity is a luxury and the wealthy prey on the ignorant. Every time the Middle East is thrown into disarray our oil prices go up and many lose their jobs because it. Saudi Arabia is where we buy most of our oil from. They have plenty of oil; we drill some from the gulf and off the coast of Alaska. We don’t drill further off the coast because of the environmental risk, made very clear with the Gulf spill.
Currently the United States has been pushing for cleaner forms of energy, mainly due to a liberal office. Our first step was to make use of Wind Energy. We utilize wind energy by putting up wind turbines. Wind turbine’s work a lot like the hydro turbines. Gases behave a lot like water and flowing currents. The air flows through the turbine spinning the blade; from there kinetic energy is then transferred into electric. 


We could also use solar power.  Calculators, some cars, and homes currently use solar power. They do not work at night; have a high price that pays for itself in the end. With recent advances we can put solar panels on water, around round objects, building windows, roof tops, and pretty much anywhere the imagination leads you too. If you generate enough power, you can actually sell it back to the electric company. Solar power, wind, and hydro, are all forms of energy we can have within 5-10 years. Bio fuels, fusion, and so on would take a long time to develop, which tends to be what oil companies like BP want.

After we have finally begun to compete with the big bunch in clean energy we will be doing much better. Without having to  worry about having enough fuel we can start worrying about helping the Middle East, rather than hurt them by being their crutch. I can only imagine how much better a place it would be if they started working on other industries rather than oil. Even if we do stop our reliance on them we could still have a use for it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Brilliant Mind

Well, it's been about a week, time for my newest article. Per request of some of my readers, this article will be about the human brain, personality, and everything you should know about that noggin of yours.

“Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, It seems to me most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end, Will come when it will come.” -William Shakespeare

The Human brain is by far one of the most astounding, repulsive, and mysterious of all the things to emerge from nature. It's hard to imagine amino acids would later result in the occurrence of such an incredible machine. Three times the average mammal's brain with an equivalent body size, using about thirty percent of your oxygen. If the brain is deprived of oxygen even ten seconds, you become unconscious, in four, brain damage occurs.

Brain damage changes everything about a person, taste, speech, hearing, personality, and everything that makes you who you are. Ninety billion neurons firing from synapses at near or at the speed of light (about 186,282 a second). In other words, information and commands are sent and processed very quickly.

The modern human brain over the past 28,000 years is shrinking, as found out by the Cro Magnom theory. This can be a bad thing because recent experiments show that a larger brain, helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. In adults, the average brain weight in men is about 11-12% more than the average brain weight in women. Men's heads are also about 2% bigger than women's. This is due to the larger physical stature of men. Male’s larger muscle mass, and larger body size require more neurons to control them.

Your brain is the control center of all your bodily functions. It continuously receives sensory information, such as sight, feel, taste, sound, and rapidly analyzes these data and then responds. The brain stem controls your breathing, heart rate, and other processes. The Neocortex is the center of "higher-order" thinking, learning, and memory, allowing us to have creativity, remember faces and names. The cerebellum is responsible for the body's hand-eye coordination, balance, and posture, allowing us to walk, sit, and play sports like football.

Recent study done by Professor of Biological Sciences Douglas McMahon, graduate student Chris Ciarleglio, post-doctoral fellow Karen Gamble and two undergraduate students at Vanderbilt University, have concluded that the season of your birth has vast effects on your personality and your body's internal clock. A huge step in explaining why we have the traits that we do and disorders some develop. If we are ever to get out of low earth orbit, we have to learn more about birth and how it affects the newborn. In the future births might have a simulated indoor season, chosen by the parent to help eliminate unwanted disorders.

Scientist have discovered that what you think about other people, also has a large impact on your persona. It has even been determined that "beautiful" people, convey first impressions better. Personality even effects individual fertility. There have been large studies on controlling these functions.

Tibetan monks have been controlling their body temperature, heart rate, and pain intake for hundreds of years. Further study has resulted in treatment for patients who have brain damage. Some conditions like constant pain from a car accident or oxygen deprivation.

Our brain is responsible for placebos working, people dying before they hit the ground from a fall, and whether you achieve the goal you set out to do. Generally if you think it's going to happen both consciously and unconsciously, the brain has a tendency to make the fear or desire real. Just remember that this question might start with scientist but it ends with you and whether you as an individual are willing to improve your personality.

If scientists solve many of the questions that we have with personalities & the brain, we will be able to replicate or even improve our brain. Making A.I. more intelligent than us, then downloading biologically, everything they know into our brains, selectively or not. Making robots that are sentient, sapient, and capable of creativity, reasoning, & solving problems. This could potentially, cure Alzheimer's, dementia, or other diseases and disorders. Replacing or adding synapses, nerve endings, and neurons in patients who suffer from Down syndrome, cancer, dyslexia, and many other modern plagues. It could even improve the way brain surgery is operated.

In the past one hundred years we have learned a lot about the mind, but the more we learned the more we found out how little we knew. The human brain will continue to astonish and baffle scientist for many years to come. Just don't be afraid to do things yourself, to improve your situation.