My first blog post! I hope everyone likes it and if you do please subscribe for more random thoughts of mine. Expect articles about technology, science, books, movies, games, history, and varied thoughts of total randomness.
I feel I must add this disclaimer, I am not telling you what or how you should believe. I am only stating what I believe up to this point, from everything I have read, seen, and experienced. I have no intention of offending anyone. I might just bring something to your attention. This is not a religion; I am not a cult leader, just stop reading if you are easily offended by things like this, for this train of thought takes an open mind. You can read what I say, explore the possibilities as I have done and make your own opinion.
"Nature shows us only the tail of the lion. But I do not doubt that the lion belongs to it even though he cannot at once reveal himself because of his enormous size" - Albert Einstein
I think it is depressing when you contemplate how small, insignificant everything really is. Knowing humanity's only true purpose is to propagate so life goes on. Our only hope being to make a small hiccup on the grand scale of time. The truth is often an ugly thing. But it doesn't necessarily mean that "Ignorance is bliss." As humans we find ourselves biting into the forbidden fruit as many times as we forget what we are. It is too often the ignorant that decide our fate. We are undoubtedly one of the most curious, arrogant beings to ever exist. We like to think were special or that we were made from a perfect copy. But even that leads the mind to wonder if we’re all just clones of our creators. As if they were not advanced enough, to a point where they could perfectly clone themselves. It never really mattered what you believed, but that you did. Throughout my life I find myself torn between religion and curiosity (science). As soon as I discovered how small I really was, tears ran down my cheeks. I can never seem to get it out of my mind. From my city of Huntsville, in my home state of Alabama, on the continent of North America, on the planet Earth, in the solar system Sol, to our galaxy the Milky Way, to the dark matter surrounding it & the two known galaxy's colliding with it, to the rim of our known universe that some call the membrane, beyond the membrane of our universe to an infinite amount of parallel universes, smashing together creating ripples to make new universes in a violent cosmic dance that transverses the eons. Realizing this you must think of how this means that time existed before our universe was created. Shooting way back through existence to my mind, sitting in this chair in Huntsville, Alabama you get a small picture of how tiny we really are.
As scientist and philosophers we cannot settle for the simple one sentence answer that he spoke it and it happened. As skeptics we will not stand for the famous sentence "I am." As dreamers we will not tolerate being anywhere near the ground with our dreams always being in the heavens. You might not understand a word I am saying, I don't expect you too. I cannot believe that I do. I can however point you in the right direction, and hope you will come up with your own opinion. I must say it has been infuriating, being one of the few who are willing to face the facts and not be so ignorant. I might not be an atheist but I am far from those brainwashed conservative religious people who believe everything people tell them. I suppose I can't really open your mind any much more than it already is. Just keep in mind, anything is possible.
Who started life on the lifeless rock of earth? This question single handedly enslaved thousands, killed many, advanced and saved many, organized some, and can be attributed to everything we know and love today. In a nut shell that question alone has propelled us to where we are today. If we were not so curious we would still be in that "garden". So at first our universe (membrane) collided with another. This created ripples, which resulted in the big bang. These ripples created matter, and the bubble that contains our universe. Inside it light elements, clouds of hydrogen and such float around condensing smashing together at the speed of light itself, creating black holes which went on to heat up the early universe, that made possible for clouds of dust and gas to cool down, these clouds eventually became so heavy and dense that they imploded, igniting into stars, some of the stars didn't have all the parameters it takes to be a star like earth, Jupiter, and other planets. These planets as we call them are simply failed stars. In our own galaxy we were fortunate to have a gas giant to throw comets to the inner solar system. This not only delivered water but the building blocks of amino acids. This started life on earth and possibly mars for a short time. Later about 4-6 million years ago the homo species was born. It is indeed possible that a more advanced race altered our evolution to speed it up. It is even possible that we are a "Noah's Ark" so to speak. Two female and male species are not enough to save their entire kind. That is only possible if they are indeed clones. Maybe we were just one accident, a natural evolution. I do not think the Ancient astronaut theory is completely garbage, is what that means. The guy with the crazy hair on the history channel has some merit. The topic deserves to be looked into but, honestly I think we did all that on our own.
First I read the bible, thoroughly in fact. I saw tall tells, lessons of virtue, hints at how all this came to be. Then I learned that Noah's flood really happened, that it was much smaller then thought, that if water did cover the entire earth then all life would die poisoned by the very thing we need, oxygen. I learned that two male and female species were not enough to sustain a population. I questioned everything I saw on there. Then I took a step back and thought to myself, if this is not the complete truth, what really happened? Then I find the writings of brilliant men. I read about the great Albert Einstein struggling with his religion, Socrates poisoning himself for "corrupting" people’s thoughts which was thought against god, Copernicus waiting till his death to publish his life’s work. This is a topic that deserves much debate and thought. If there is even a slight chance that people like me are right, then it is worth exploring. We have literally thousands of religions. Each one sought to satisfy the human curiosity, to give benefits for being a good person in a world where doing the wrong thing is so easy. Sometimes it was even used as a weapon, in business and war. No blood is spilled, and only men's souls are lost. They still look like the good guy in the end, & they get everything the land has to offer. For nearly 10,000 years it was working, but sometimes it went horribly wrong like the case of the inquisition.
We see in three dimensions but live in many. We have theorized that the final evolution of man is pure energy, living as it that is. Eventually we could do exactly that, maybe not as poetic as it is made out to be. Uploading our consciousness into computers, the proverbially immortality. We already have 1 billion people consciousness online. That places there online maybe not permanent but it still does it does it not? Every time a person dies, everything they knew goes with them. Every possibility they could have ever had come smashing together into that one moment, in which almost every possibility they died and so they did. Are we not still human if we have no body? If we cannot die would we still be human. Or would we grow up to understand that all things are one. I don't pretend to know what happens after death because; all I know is what happens here. Your organs, brain, and cells, everything stops working. Your body, your energy returns back to the earth from whence it came. Don't you dare think for a minute that immortality is impossible or thousands of years off either. We are already working on it. We have extended the life of worms so they live for six years from a few months, we have made immortal jelly fish. Maybe it is cowardice of us to think of such things. The whole point of that is, if it is possible for us to make the goals of our own religion a reality is it not possible that an advanced race already did this? It is entirely within the realm of possibility to me.
Going to have to cut this topic short for now but later on will get back to this. Keep reading subscribe, thanks for taking the time out of your day. Please keep the comments civil if you want them to show up.
I feel I must add this disclaimer, I am not telling you what or how you should believe. I am only stating what I believe up to this point, from everything I have read, seen, and experienced. I have no intention of offending anyone. I might just bring something to your attention. This is not a religion; I am not a cult leader, just stop reading if you are easily offended by things like this, for this train of thought takes an open mind. You can read what I say, explore the possibilities as I have done and make your own opinion.
"Nature shows us only the tail of the lion. But I do not doubt that the lion belongs to it even though he cannot at once reveal himself because of his enormous size" - Albert Einstein
I think it is depressing when you contemplate how small, insignificant everything really is. Knowing humanity's only true purpose is to propagate so life goes on. Our only hope being to make a small hiccup on the grand scale of time. The truth is often an ugly thing. But it doesn't necessarily mean that "Ignorance is bliss." As humans we find ourselves biting into the forbidden fruit as many times as we forget what we are. It is too often the ignorant that decide our fate. We are undoubtedly one of the most curious, arrogant beings to ever exist. We like to think were special or that we were made from a perfect copy. But even that leads the mind to wonder if we’re all just clones of our creators. As if they were not advanced enough, to a point where they could perfectly clone themselves. It never really mattered what you believed, but that you did. Throughout my life I find myself torn between religion and curiosity (science). As soon as I discovered how small I really was, tears ran down my cheeks. I can never seem to get it out of my mind. From my city of Huntsville, in my home state of Alabama, on the continent of North America, on the planet Earth, in the solar system Sol, to our galaxy the Milky Way, to the dark matter surrounding it & the two known galaxy's colliding with it, to the rim of our known universe that some call the membrane, beyond the membrane of our universe to an infinite amount of parallel universes, smashing together creating ripples to make new universes in a violent cosmic dance that transverses the eons. Realizing this you must think of how this means that time existed before our universe was created. Shooting way back through existence to my mind, sitting in this chair in Huntsville, Alabama you get a small picture of how tiny we really are.
As scientist and philosophers we cannot settle for the simple one sentence answer that he spoke it and it happened. As skeptics we will not stand for the famous sentence "I am." As dreamers we will not tolerate being anywhere near the ground with our dreams always being in the heavens. You might not understand a word I am saying, I don't expect you too. I cannot believe that I do. I can however point you in the right direction, and hope you will come up with your own opinion. I must say it has been infuriating, being one of the few who are willing to face the facts and not be so ignorant. I might not be an atheist but I am far from those brainwashed conservative religious people who believe everything people tell them. I suppose I can't really open your mind any much more than it already is. Just keep in mind, anything is possible.
Who started life on the lifeless rock of earth? This question single handedly enslaved thousands, killed many, advanced and saved many, organized some, and can be attributed to everything we know and love today. In a nut shell that question alone has propelled us to where we are today. If we were not so curious we would still be in that "garden". So at first our universe (membrane) collided with another. This created ripples, which resulted in the big bang. These ripples created matter, and the bubble that contains our universe. Inside it light elements, clouds of hydrogen and such float around condensing smashing together at the speed of light itself, creating black holes which went on to heat up the early universe, that made possible for clouds of dust and gas to cool down, these clouds eventually became so heavy and dense that they imploded, igniting into stars, some of the stars didn't have all the parameters it takes to be a star like earth, Jupiter, and other planets. These planets as we call them are simply failed stars. In our own galaxy we were fortunate to have a gas giant to throw comets to the inner solar system. This not only delivered water but the building blocks of amino acids. This started life on earth and possibly mars for a short time. Later about 4-6 million years ago the homo species was born. It is indeed possible that a more advanced race altered our evolution to speed it up. It is even possible that we are a "Noah's Ark" so to speak. Two female and male species are not enough to save their entire kind. That is only possible if they are indeed clones. Maybe we were just one accident, a natural evolution. I do not think the Ancient astronaut theory is completely garbage, is what that means. The guy with the crazy hair on the history channel has some merit. The topic deserves to be looked into but, honestly I think we did all that on our own.
First I read the bible, thoroughly in fact. I saw tall tells, lessons of virtue, hints at how all this came to be. Then I learned that Noah's flood really happened, that it was much smaller then thought, that if water did cover the entire earth then all life would die poisoned by the very thing we need, oxygen. I learned that two male and female species were not enough to sustain a population. I questioned everything I saw on there. Then I took a step back and thought to myself, if this is not the complete truth, what really happened? Then I find the writings of brilliant men. I read about the great Albert Einstein struggling with his religion, Socrates poisoning himself for "corrupting" people’s thoughts which was thought against god, Copernicus waiting till his death to publish his life’s work. This is a topic that deserves much debate and thought. If there is even a slight chance that people like me are right, then it is worth exploring. We have literally thousands of religions. Each one sought to satisfy the human curiosity, to give benefits for being a good person in a world where doing the wrong thing is so easy. Sometimes it was even used as a weapon, in business and war. No blood is spilled, and only men's souls are lost. They still look like the good guy in the end, & they get everything the land has to offer. For nearly 10,000 years it was working, but sometimes it went horribly wrong like the case of the inquisition.
We see in three dimensions but live in many. We have theorized that the final evolution of man is pure energy, living as it that is. Eventually we could do exactly that, maybe not as poetic as it is made out to be. Uploading our consciousness into computers, the proverbially immortality. We already have 1 billion people consciousness online. That places there online maybe not permanent but it still does it does it not? Every time a person dies, everything they knew goes with them. Every possibility they could have ever had come smashing together into that one moment, in which almost every possibility they died and so they did. Are we not still human if we have no body? If we cannot die would we still be human. Or would we grow up to understand that all things are one. I don't pretend to know what happens after death because; all I know is what happens here. Your organs, brain, and cells, everything stops working. Your body, your energy returns back to the earth from whence it came. Don't you dare think for a minute that immortality is impossible or thousands of years off either. We are already working on it. We have extended the life of worms so they live for six years from a few months, we have made immortal jelly fish. Maybe it is cowardice of us to think of such things. The whole point of that is, if it is possible for us to make the goals of our own religion a reality is it not possible that an advanced race already did this? It is entirely within the realm of possibility to me.
Going to have to cut this topic short for now but later on will get back to this. Keep reading subscribe, thanks for taking the time out of your day. Please keep the comments civil if you want them to show up.
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